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Aarav Gupta
3 min read
Sudan Coup: What's up with Africa?
Sudan is another narrative of people wanting democracy because they are weary of military rule, another story of protests and deaths.

Sparsh Jaimini
5 min read
Modern Relationships And Why They Don’t Work Out
As a society we went from seeing relationships through to being surrounded by fragments of broken hearts. Here is how to fix that.

Gaurangi verma
3 min read
How Labels Affect Our Identities
As a rapidly growing generation, with all this stimulating content we are exposed to each day- we have normalised labeling each other.

Gaurangi verma
4 min read
Providing A Safe Space For Yourself
In our world where people have constant access to us its important to realise the value of a safe space and become a better you!

Aarav Gupta
3 min read
Squid Game And The Shadiness It Brings Along
Squid Game, A Netflix-Original hit charts in September as the most popular show ever. A lot of human concerns are subtly depicted.

Arjun Khanchandani
3 min read
How The Sopranos Changed Television Forever
If you’re a fan of television shows like Breaking Bad, Ozark, Mad Men or Game of Thrones you definitely owe it to the show The Sopranos.

Baawa Sayan Bajaj
3 min read
Once upon a time, there was a constitutional democracy . . .
"Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue": a saga of constitutional autocracy.

Shivangi Tripathi
3 min read
Metal Straws? No, Alcohol Taxes Will Save The World
This article is not morality propaganda. It proposes a simple yet unattainable method to combat climate change: drinking less alcohol.

Krisha Kapur
3 min read
Luck is Actually Real. Here's Why
How many times have we heard successful people claim that their hard work is what enabled them to reach where they are today?

Gaurangi verma
4 min read
Who Are We Outside Instagram?
Instagram is the place to be in right now! Are we really on insta as ourselves or is it just all a picture-perfect image?
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