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Tamanna Agarwal
6 min read
Why Situationships Hurt More Than Long Term Relationships
A situationship can hurt as deeply as a relationship—it's not just the person you grieve, but the untapped potential of what could've been.

Tanishtha Kotian
3 min read
Digital 'Addas' Are Breeding Intolerance
Kolkata's beloved Adda is the new generation's social media. However social media strays away from the intellectual nature of 'Adda'.

3 min read
Man vs Bear: Why Women are Choosing the Bear
Social media debate on women feeling safer with bears than men in the woods highlights gendered safety fears. Read more to know why!

Tanishtha Kotian
5 min read
'I Remember When' Social Media was for the Aesthetics
Social media is no longer for aesthetic posts or feeds. After COVID-19, social media got real with unedited pictures and fun reels.

4 min read
Women Who Wheel: The Rise of Female Formula 1 Fans
Formula 1 has been known to be a man's sport. Read this article to find out how F1 has become popular with its ever-increasing female fans.

3 min read
The Orange Peel Theory: Is Testing Our Relationships Essential?
The orange peel theory is a hot topic on social media, but do we really need to constantly test our relationships?

Rayana Roy
4 min read
Scamming and Deepfakes: The Rise of Cyber-crime
Tech-driven fraud rises; laws tighten, yet loopholes persist. Deepfakes deceive, hackers exploit trust, tricking victims for data. Read more

4 min read
The Rise of Pet Influencers
Let's explore the rise of pet influencers, the new favorites on the block.

4 min read
The Rise of Smut: How TikTok is Reviving Romance Literature
Everyone's FYP is filled with BookTok recommendations. Here is how smut has become popular and TikTok is reviving romance literature again.

Samah Noor Nausheer
4 min read
The Impending Doom of Influencer Culture
The competition to garner follows and likes to make a living is an exemplary pitch for a Black Mirror episode. Alas, it is our reality.
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