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Vanya Goel
5 min read
The Attack of Texas on Reproductive Rights
Roe v. Wade was called into question when Texas legislature passed a restrictive abortion bill, attacking reproductive autonomy and rights.

Tirtha Mutha
4 min read
Why Harry and Meghan are Lying About EVERYTHING!
Meghan Markle is playing the game of thrones and using her husband as a pawn.
Read to find out why their game has completely fallen apart.

Gaurangi verma
4 min read
Providing A Safe Space For Yourself
In our world where people have constant access to us its important to realise the value of a safe space and become a better you!

Aarav Gupta
3 min read
Squid Game And The Shadiness It Brings Along
Squid Game, A Netflix-Original hit charts in September as the most popular show ever. A lot of human concerns are subtly depicted.

Aarav Gupta
3 min read
Putin' Down Criticism: The Russian Government's Way
Vladimir Putin is now overseeing the Russian Republic for over 22 years, and silencing his opposition through imprisonments/assassinations.

Priyan Majumdar
4 min read
Is Porn Dangerous for Women?
Radical feminists argue that porn is exploitative and damaging to women. Is the solution censorship, or the advent of feminist pornography?

Rinjini Majumder
4 min read
The Lack Of Asexual Representation In Mainstream Media
Representation of real asexual experiences in mainstream media can still be called a distant dream, in a culture of compulsory sexuality.

Abha Deo
3 min read
Should You Separate The Art From The Artist?
The cancellation of DaBaby etc. showed that in today's world of Twitter trolls we must make the clear distinction of the art vs the artist.

Abhinav Hebbar
4 min read
Dark Academia: What Is It Really?
Dark academia is an internet aesthetic that has slowly risen in the trends like an unattended sourdough starter. But what is it really?

Sukriti Kala
3 min read
Modern Slavery: China's 996 Work Culture
Even though China’s labour laws call for a 44 hour work week, its work culture narrates an entirely different story.
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